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  • Writer's pictureMichael Glavin

COVID and Depressed: 6 Signs You Might Need Depression Counseling This Summer

Here’s the thing: life is hard right now.

We are all living in an unprecedented situation, and have been forced to find new ways of coping. Life is not normal, whatever that means, but we are all still trying to do life however we can. No matter your situation, this isn’t how you expected to be spending your spring and summer.

Woman looking out the city window from quarantine during COVID 19 needing therapy for depression in Chicago, IL | Online therapy in Illinois for couples and individuals | signs of depression chicago, il | depression treatment chicago, il 60602

Have you seen the graphic going around on social media with the boat in the storm? Essentially, it explains that while we're all in the same storm right now, we're not all in the same boat. Some "boats" include being home with special needs kids. Others are experiencing great loss. There are job losses for some people while others face the risk of contracting the coronavirus each day by attending work. But most Americans are facing some unexpected source of stress right now.

For many people, the changes in circumstance and the unmet expectations have been enough to trigger mental health issues. In fact, a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study has found that at least half of all adults are experiencing mental health problems since the COVID 19 crisis hit the US. If you or someone you love is hurting, this guide might be helpful for you.

If you’re reading this, you are likely already curious. Curious to know if the things you are either personally experiencing or are witnessing in a loved one might be signs of depression. Well, we certainly can’t diagnose in a blog post. Yet, there are a few things that could signal that a call to a counselor might be useful.

6 Signs You Might Need Depression Counseling This Summer:

Work/school performance is slipping.

This is a tough one to admit, right? Because, of course, we don't want to think that we're "slipping". But, you've noticed some things anyway. It could be a bad attitude. You could be having difficulty making it into the office (actual or virtual) at all. Perhaps, you can’t even concentrate well enough to work. This is unsustainable. You know it. But, that doesn't mean it's easy to fix without help.

Negative self-talk is constant.

Person in therapy for depression in Chicago, IL | Online therapy in Illinois for couples and individuals | signs of depression chicago, il | depression treatment chicago, il 60602

Feels like you can’t get any escape from the negative noise in your mind. You feel like nothing you do is good enough. Even for you! What is going on? Why can't you take pride in your accomplishments? Especially during a pandemic. The fact that you're

upright (or, awake, if you're reading this in bed), is a noteworthy feat. You might also be interested in our latest post about ways to prepare for anxiety treatment in online therapy.

Lack of motivation is overwhelming.

Well, we know you've got the time. Even essential workers have a different kind of "time" right now. But, if we aren't prioritizing properly, everything can feel overwhelming. Whole days are going by and you don't know what you've even gotten done. Plus, you're not doing the things you know you should, even if they're normally enjoyable.

Your relationships are suffering.

This is a whole post of its own. But, if you're noticing changes in the way you engage with others, there's a problem. You could be withdrawing. Or, feeling overwhelmed by basic conversations and social niceties. When they're honest about it, people in your circle feel like you are being too negative.

You feel isolated or disconnected from the world.

Not just physical distancing, but true social isolation. At this point in quarantine, we are all getting pretty skilled at finding ways to stay connected. Not the way we'd prefer to, of course, but we're checking in on each other, clapping out windows, and hosting everything online. But, you can't seem to make true connections a priority. You might be there, but you're not actually there. Not the way you know you desire to be. Not the way you were before all this.

Suicidal thoughts, even passive.

These thoughts are serious. Even the fleeting ones that make you question "did I really just think that?". No, you are not "going crazy", this is a wild time. But, those thoughts are telling you something. When it comes to suicidal thoughts, we know it's best to take them seriously. It's better to begin therapy when it's passive than wait until things have reached a hopeless point. Give yourself that gift and reach out now.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If you or your loved ones are experiencing one or more of the signs on the list above, go ahead and make the call. Begin the process of getting the support you need through therapy. What do you have to lose? In fact, we believe you have everything to gain by reaching out and getting the conversation started.

Person in therapy for depression in Chicago, IL | Online therapy in Illinois for couples and individuals | signs of depression chicago, il | depression treatment chicago, il 60602

Get Depression Treatment With Online Therapy in Illinois:

At the Center for Relational Transformation in Chicago, we know that you can do hard things. We know that you are capable of coping with life and all that life may throw at you. Let's get you a little more help from online counselors at our Chicago counseling practice. Phone sessions are also available if you need them as well. To get started, simply:

  1. Contact us online

  2. Hear back from a therapist within 24 hours (except on Sundays)

  3. Feel more connected and hopeful, even during this crisis.

You don't have to feel alone, scared, or isolated during this stressful time. Counseling can help. ​

More Therapy Services From Our Downtown Chicago Counseling Center

Helping individuals and couples dealing with relationship issues is our passion. With online therapy in Illinois, you can and will become better than ever before. Our framework for compassionate communication helps couples in all stages of a relationship. We can help with premarital counseling, couples therapy, poly, and open relationship counseling and marriage counselingIf you have experienced infidelity, we offer divorce discernment therapy and affair recovery counseling. Our skilled therapists also offer anxiety treatment and depression therapy in our downtown Chicago psychotherapy office. We look forward to helping you become the best version of yourself you can be.

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